Industrial Security Management



SECURITY is the primordial concern of the country. Every citizen is tasked to maintain and preserve the tenets of security to attain peace, order, progress, and prosperity. No Nation could stand with stability and self-sufficiency without due regard to security. Security is the essence of political, economic, social, cultural, moral, and professional stability.

No Nation could stand with stability and self-sufficiency without due regard to security. SECURITY is the essence of political, economic, social, cultural, moral, and professional stability.


It is the condition of being protected; securing from threats and dangers; safe from harm and injury; complete peace of mind with the feeling of satisfaction and comfort.


It is the state or condition of safety and protection, ease and comfort, free from dangers or harms, stability and prosperity, sufficiency and satisfaction, and enjoying a peaceful and orderly atmosphere in all situations and operation of any industrial installations as provided by authorized security agency and personnel. It includes the safety and protection of all its resources and investments.


It is the effective, efficient, economical, realistic, and practical application, utilization, implementation, adaptation and supervision, and administration of the security resources and management operations to protect and preserve the interest and capital including the personnel and investments of any industrial establishment in order to obtain its goals or objectives smoothly and productively.


It refers to any business, construction, firm, farms, factories, schools, buildings, structures, stores, malls, supermarkets, industries, facilities, installations, hotels or motels, restaurants or inns, agencies or offices, banks and credit firms, insurance’s, etc., including its respective personnel, logistics, and resources.


  • SECURITY PERSONNEL - a person charged or tasked to provide services for the safety and protection and ensuring that nothing bad may happen to his or her client(s).
  • SAFETY - condition or state of security; out of danger; well-secured and protected.
  • OFFICE AND BUILDING SECURITY - safety and security procedures or steps transcribed into an OPERATIONAL PLAN (Oplan) designed to give security and protection to the concerned offices, buildings(s) including its employees and occupants and everything therein.
  • PERSONNEL SECURITY- referring to the security of the employees, employers, occupants, VIP's, including security/lady/company guards, visitors, guests, and others, entry and exit security systems, etc.  Also, involve properly screening of probable employee(s) to any agency office.
  • PHYSICAL SECURITY - a system or systems of barriers (human, naturals, structural, energy, animal, etc.) placed between the potential intruders or enemies and the establishment, unit, person(s) to be protected.
  • COMMUNICATION SECURITY - refer to the protective measures designed to deny (intruders or enemy) unauthorized person(s) to have access information(s) or communication operations classified as restricted, confidential, secret, and top secret.
  • CAMP DEFENSE PLAN - a comprehensive security plan dealing with the preparedness, alertness, effectiveness, and cohesiveness of the security measures and other related activities to maintain and uphold the security of certain industries, establishments, buildings, etc.
  • STRATEGIC SECURITY - referring to that security measures involving internal and external threats to national security and of broad concerns and issues related to governmental leadership, management, operations, resources, and challenges or crises.
  • VIP/DIGNITARY SECURITY - system(s) of security measures, programs, activities, procedures, techniques, and strategies to be applied designed to protect VIP/visiting foreign or local dignitaries.
  • BOMB AND EXPLOSIVE SECURITY - system(s) of barriers or devices introduced and applied to detect, discover, find, locate and diffuse, detonate, neutralize bomb and/or explosives.
  • AIRPORT SECURITY - security measures to secure, protect and safeguard the entire airport perimeter including complex, control tower house, runway, aircraft, crews, passengers, cargoes, tarmacs, civil aviation operations, and offices, airline agencies, and others.
  • MARITIME SECURITY - securing and protecting maritime and aquatic industries facilities and resources and all its waterways and transport avenues including harbors, ports, and coastline area protection.
  • DOCUMENT AND INFORMATION SECURITY - refers to the security measures, procedures, mechanics, steps, and methodologies to be used/applied/followed to ensure the safety, protection, preservation, storage, and presentation of pertinent papers, communications, information, and records.


    Republic Act 5487 otherwise known as the Private Security Agency Law as amended by PD's 765 (Constitution of the PC/INP), 1184 (Professionalization Law) and then by Republic Acts 6975 (DILG Act of 1990) and 8551 (PNP Reorganization Law) and other related issuances of PNP Security Agency and Guards Supervisory Group (formerly known as Supervisory Office of Security Investigative Agency or SOSIA). The following classifications of security are also within their scope.

    1. Physical Security        
    2. Personnel Security 
    3. VIP and Dignitary Security 
    4. Office and Building Security 
    5. Installation/Facility Security 
    6. Document & Information Security 
    7. Communication Security 
    8. Environmental Security   
    9. Airport Security
    10. Maritime Security 
    11. Route/Escort Security
    12. Camp Security
    13. Investment Security
    14. Bombs & Explosives/Ammos/Depot Security
    15. National Security
    16. Other Security matter


    Appropriate, Intelligent, and Realistic SECURITY PLANNING:

    1. Based on the actual situation(s), requirements, and problems;
    2. Qualifications, training’s, and experiences of the security personnel and officials;
    3. Resources, logistics, and capabilities of the Security Agencies;
    4. Legacies and accomplishment of the Security Agencies;
    5. Security programs, activities and projections;
    6. Security survey reports.

    The flexibility of the Security Operations Plans

    1. Adjustability
    2. Adaptability
    3. Availability and capability
    4. Legality/Justifiability
    5. Practicality
    6. Others

     Unity of Command and Efforts

    1. Lateral and vertical coordination and cooperation are highly encouraged.
    2. Centralized direction and control systems and only one (1) designated over-all commander.
    3. Focus or concentration must be specific and clearly defined.
    4. Individual and collective duties and responsibilities must be substantially explained and clarified.
    5. There are only one blueprint on Security Policies and/or guidelines.
    6. The flow of communication and/or channels of command must be strictly observed and religiously followed.
    7. Orders, directives, issuance’s and other instructions must be first fully briefed, announced, understood, comprehended, and disseminated

     Sufficiency of Resources

    1. Manpower Resources 
    2. Logistical Resources 
    3. Technical Resources
    4. Financial Resources
    5. Legal Resources
    6. Other Resources

    Effectiveness of Security Operational Activities and Programs

    1. Guards postings/deployment procedures;
    2. Guards conduct uniforms, armaments, documents, paraphernalia, and credentials;
    3. Guards personal and official requirements and needs;
    4. Briefing, orientation, guidance, policies, and reminders;
    5. Inspection, monitoring, reporting, and evaluation systems;
    6. Mobility and communication capabilities and its status;
    7. Linkages with other security institutions and agencies or offices;
    8. Training and continuing in-service security education programs;
    9. Disasters preparedness and rescue operation programs;
    10. Special tasking in or during crime occurrence, disasters, hostage negotiations, traffic accidents, bomb threats, etc;
    11. Emergency calls, request for immediate security assistance and similar situations;
    12. Other operational activities as embodied in the eleven (11) General Orders.

    Morale, Welfare, and Benefits Programs

    1. Payment of salary allowances and incentives.
    2. Insurances and social programs (SSS, PHILHEALTH & others)
    3. Awards, appreciation’s, commendations, etc. for every good and laudable deed(s) or accomplishment(s).
    4. Granting of special bonuses, rewards, prizes, etc.
    5. Facilitating renewal of security/lady guards or security officers license and other necessary documentary requirements.
    6. Recruiting only qualified highly competent, well-trained, and preferably experienced security/lady guards, officers, and/or officials.

    Transparency of the  Security  Contract   and   Documentary Requirements

    1. Clarify the substance of the security services contract including legal rates & conditions.
    2. Religiously follow the PNP SAGSG guidelines and policies.
    3. Internalization of the DOLE, SSS, and PHILHEALTH mandates.
    4. Respects the Bill of Rights as embodied in the 1987 Phil. Constitution, Human Rights, and other rights of a person or persons as enumerated in the International Humanitarian Law.


    1. The government and its functionaries are dependent upon security and safety.
    2. Progress and stability of a nation is the product of security and an effective, social and criminal justice system.
    3. Sound leadership and management programs are the fruits of security and safety.


    1. PREPAREDNESS - to prepare everything he/she needs to ensure that his/her duty performance is effective and very satisfactory. Among others, is his/her authorized uniform, paraphernalia, etc., and internalization of eleven (11) General Orders.
    2. ALERTNESS - the ability to maintain the condition of the state of guts, firm but humane-inspired; principled but always dynamic and alive, keep on moving with an accuracy of actions, very observant to the surroundings and others.
    3. INTELLIGENCE - using his/her intellect or mental qualities so timely and appropriately; make sound and honest decision, fittingly; using his/her "Coconut Shells" accordingly; but however, "better to have wrong decision than having no decision at all"

    On what level of alertness are we?


    1. Have strong faith and trust in God.
    2. Always be devoted to your family and loved ones.
    3. Be seriously committed to your security job or profession.



    • Strict Adherence and Compliance to the Eleven (11) General Orders.
      1. To take charge of the post (beat or area of responsibility) and all company properties and view;
      2. To walk during my tour of duty in a military (gentleman and respectable) manner, keeping always on the alert and observing anything that takes place within sight or hearing;
      3. To report all violations of orders (policies, directives, guidelines, etc.) I am instructed to enforce;
      4. To repeat all calls from my post more distant from the guardhouse where I am stationed;
      5. To quit my post only when properly relieved;
      6. To receive, obey and pass on the relieving guard all orders from my company officers, or officials, supervisors, post-in-charge or shift leaders;
      7. To talk to no one except in the line of duty;
      8. To sound or call the alarm in case of fire (emergency) or disorder;
      9. To call the superior officer in any case not covered by instructions (or in case of doubt);
      10. To salute all company officials, superiors in the agency, ranking public officials, and commissioned officers of the AFP, PNP, NBI, and other law enforcement.
      11. To be especially watchful at night and during the time of challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass or loiter without proper authority.
    • To patrol intensively the entire area of responsibility including buildings or structures.
    • To effect citizens arrest (arrest without warrant) to person or persons who commit crime or crimes within their area of responsibility on the following grounds:
      1. If the person to be arrested has committed, is actually committing or about to commit an offense in his presence;
      2. When the person to be arrested has committed a crime (within his AOR) and he has a reasonable ground to believe (based on direct and eye witness evidence) that the person arrested has committed it; and
      3. When the person to be arrested is a fugitive of the law (an escapee) or has escaped from any penal institution or where he is confined or detained while his case is still pending before the honorable court.

    Warning: The strict provisions of the Revised Rules of Court, Rule 113 must be religiously adhered to and complied with by arresting officer to avoid being charged with violation of human rights and constitutional rights of any person.

    • Assist in the prevention of crime(s) operations of any law enforcement unit.
    • Assist in the criminal investigation/operation of any investigating agency or element/group/agent if could do so.
    • To effect the search and seizure operations as provided by law.
    • Conduct intelligence operations with a focus on the specific target or objective such as, but not limited to:
      1. Character (background and reputation) check of the person(s).
      2. Discovery of the crime(s) and its clandestine operation.
      3. Locating missing items/goods/valuables/person(s).
      4. Surveillance/casing work.
      5. As ordered by the concerned authorities.
    • To conduct traffic within the area of operation and/or during an emergency.


    SECURITY PLANNING is a corporate and executive responsibility. It involves knowing the objectives of security and the means and methods to reach those objectives or goals must then be evolved. In short, security planning is a decision making process.

    The Contents of the Security Plan are as follows:

    1. THE SITUATION. This part of the security plan explains the historical background of the organization of its security picture.
    2. THE MISSION. This part of the security plan will cover what the plan is all about and what it intends to do. This mission is subdivided into: (a) Purpose; (b) Goals; and (c) Objectives.
    3. EXECUTION. This part of the security plan will explain and outline the concept of the security project.
    4. ADMINISTRATIVE AND LOGISTICS. This part of security plan involves the listings of security equipment.
    5. COMMAND AND SIGNAL. This last portion of the security plan pertains to the channels of communication needed when implementing the project until in full operation.

    SECURITY SURVEY is the process of conducting an exhaustive physical examination and thorough inspection of all operational systems and procedures of a facility.

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    Purpose of Security Survey

    1. To determine the existing state of security
    2. To locate weaknesses in defenses
    3. To determine the degree of protection required
    4. To produce recommendations, establishing a total security program

    SECURITY INSPECTION is the process of conducting a physical examination to determine compliance with established security policies and procedures as a result of a security survey.      

    SECURITY HAZARD is any act or condition which may result in the compromise of information, loss of life, loss or destruction of property, or disruption of the objective of the installation.

    Types of Hazard

    1. Natural hazards (storm, earthquakes, etc.)
    2. Human or man-made hazards (sabotage, pilferage, etc.)

    Types of Pilferer

    1. Casual pilferer
    2. Systematic pilferer




    1. To ensure the protection of live/lives of VIP/dignitary.
    2. The clear the routine route(s) from any danger or hazard.
    3. To avoid assassination plot and/or ambuscade to visiting VIP/dignitary.
    4. To establish coordinated efforts with foreign and local agencies regarding VIP/dignitary security requirements.


    1. To avoid the destruction of lives and property.
    2. To prevent and control sabotage operations by the enemy.
    3. To enhance specialize training on bombs and explosives disposal and how to counter its illegal operations.
    4. To plan and design for more suitable and effective bombs and explosives prevention and control measures, procedures, and operations.



    1. To prevent terrorism and other lawless activities within airport vicinity;
    2. To protect and safeguard civil aviation operations and airline industries;
    3. To ensure security and safety of aircraft, airports complex, runway, tower house, and vital installations of airports;
    4. To avoid hijacking and heinous crime incidents within the airport area and/or during a flight of aircraft;
    5. To modernize air safety and civil aviation security instruments and facilities.


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    1. To protect and preserve maritime and aquatic-mineral resources.
    2. To safeguard all maritime industries to include vessels, ships, barges, tugboats, etc., and their crews against sabotage, hijacking, terrorism, smuggling, gunrunning, etc.
    3. To enhance, develop, improve and modernize its security and safety capabilities and machinery.
    4. To plan and design for more effective and suitable programs and operations of maritime security in every situation.
    5. To counter external threats to our national security.


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    Are emerging forms of security due to terroristic activity. While both seek to exploit the security weaknesses of transportation, they do so for very different reasons.

    1. Terrorism is a symbolic activity seeking forms of destruction and disruption to coerce a political, ideological, or religious agenda.
    2. In this context, transportation is mostly a target. Criminal activities are seeking an economic return from illegal transactions such as drugs, weapons, piracy, and illegal immigration.
    3. In this context, transportation is mostly a vector for illicit transactions.
    4. Concerns were already being raised in the past. Some global tragic events become an issue of physical security into the public domain as never before and set in motion responses that have re-shaped transportation in unforeseen ways.
    5. In addition, threats to health, such as the spread of pandemics, present significant challenges to transport planning and operations.


    Is physical and technical security involving the protection of documents and classified papers from loss, access by unauthorized persons, damage, theft, and compromise through disclosure.

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    1. To ensure, protect and preserve our documentary files and records.
    2. To promote, develop and improve our records management efficiency and credibility.
    3. To intensify our intelligence efforts, requirements, operations, and capabilities.


    This concerned with the physical measures adopted to prevent unauthorized access to equipment, facilities, materials, and documents, and to safeguard them against espionage, sabotage, damage, and theft. Another definition described it as the system of barrier places between a potential intruder and the matter to be protected.

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    1. To ensure the protection of vital government/private installation and materials.
    2. To avoid or prevent intruders or enemies to come into restricted or prohibited areas.
    3. To provide systems, procedures, mechanics, steps, and measures how to provide security and safety to the entire area, locality, and vicinity.
    4. To prevent and control the entry of spies, infiltrators, saboteurs, etc.
    5. To determine actual security and safety requirements and personnel needed.


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    1. To ensure proper selection, recruitment and employment programs, and operations of personnel in a government or organization;
    2. To upgrade and modernize standards, procedures mechanics, and systems of acquisition, promotion, and termination of personnel services;
    3. To provide effective, reliable, credible and compatible security oriented personnel in every section/division/ department/agency/unit/organization;
    4. To prevent the entry of infiltrators, deep-penetration-agents, saboteurs, etc. into the protected organization;
    5. To observe strictly the security and safety guidelines and policies on matters affecting personnel affairs.


    Involves defenses against the interception of communication transmissions which includes:

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    1. The protection resulting from the application of various measures which, prevent or delay the enemy or unauthorized persons in giving information through the communication system.
    2. The application of the use of technology to avoid malicious intrusion in the communication system like virus attack and hacking
    3. Communications security includes cryptosecurity [i.e., encryption or decryption], transmission security, emission security [i.e., intercept and analysis of emanations from equipment], and physical security of COMSEC material.


    Is the protection resulting from the application of various measures which, safeguard hotel guests and their personal effects, hotel properties, and functions in hotel restaurants, bars, and clubs.

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    1. Surveillance Cameras. Most commercial properties have some type of video surveillance system. Security staff can monitor sensitive areas, such as the front desk, cash drawer, and common areas. 
    2. Cybersecurity. Your IT and security departments should work in conjunction to establish a safe online experience for staff and hotel guests. Your Wi-Fi should be a secure network user must log in to before using it. Make the username and password easy to find.
    3. Mobile Room Keys. From traditional to the modern key system. Traditional hotel keys can get lost or stolen. Mobile keys, on the other hand, strengthen security and allow guests to bypass the front desk altogether. 
    4. Guest Safety. Guests need to feel safe and welcome at your establishment. Consider how you can improve hotel rooms to increase security. A straightforward update is an in-room safe. 
    5. Staff Training. A safe and secure environment all starts with knowledgeable staff. Set up regular meetings with all employees to talk about guest safety.


    This is the protection resulting from the application of the various measures which, safeguard cash and assets in storage, in transits, and during the transactions.

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    1. Banking security is seen as a commitment of the banking institution to ensure safe storage and management of their own assets and their clients' assets and the related information, as well as ensure the physical security and safety of clients and employees in the bank offices.
    2. The main aspects of banking security are related to the provision of physical safety of bank assets, employees, and customers; providing information safety of bank assets, as well as the related to management information; providing economic (financial) security of the banking institution.
    3. Emphasis on physical, transportation, and communication, documents, and cybersecurity.


    This is the protection of rich/scion, industrial magnates, and political leaders against kidnapping for economic, political, emotional, or nationalistic purposes. This is a personalized form of protection that resembles VIP protection due to the positive inimical act of a malevolent actor and the vulnerability of the person being protected.

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    This is physical security that deals with the protection of processes, formulas, patents, and other activities. In industrial security, this is called TRADE SECRET and is susceptible to both espionage and sabotage.

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    Trade secrets are intellectual property (IP) rights on confidential information that may be sold or licensed. In some instances, it is not protected by IP law but needs to be protected because there lies the trademark of success on one's company. 

    The unauthorized acquisition, use, or disclosure of such secret information in a manner contrary to honest commercial practices by others is regarded as an unfair practice and a violation of the trade secret protection.


    Those types are adaptations, variations, innovations, and/or modifications of physical security, they are the following:

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    1. Air Cargo Security
    2. School Security
    3. Supermarket Security
    4. Environmental and Ecological Security
    5. Cybersecurity 


    1. Company guard force (proprietary or in-house security)
    2. Agency guard services (contractual security guard agency)
    3. Government guard forces (a new type of guard force)

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    A SECURITY GUARD FORCE may be defined as a group of forces of selected men, trained and organized into a functional group for the purpose of protecting operational processes from those disruptions which impede the efficiency or halt operations at a particular plant, facility, institution, or special activity.


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