Selection for Specialized Police Operations Assignment

Selection for Specialized Assignment

Every police agency where appropriate should establish a written policy defining specific criteria for the selection and placement of operations specialist personnel so that they are effectively matched to the requirements of each specialty.

[1] Every police agency should maintain a comprehensive personnel records system from which information is readily retrievable. This system should:

  1. Include all pertinent data on every agency employee;
  2. Employ a consistent format on all personnel records; and
  3. Include procedures for continual updating.

[2] Every police agency should disseminate agency-wide written announcements describing anticipated specialist position openings. These announcements should include:

  1. The minimum personnel requirements for each position; and
  2. The specialized skills or other attributes required by the position.

[3] Every police agency should establish written minimum requirements for every specialist position. These requirements should stipulate the required:

  1. length and diversity of experience;
  2. Formal education; and
  3. Specialized skills, knowledge, and experience.

[4] Command personnel within the specialty should interview every candidate for a specialist position. Interviewers should:

  1. Review the pertinent personnel records of every candidate;
  2. Consider the candidate’s attitude toward the position as well as his objective qualifications for it; and
  3. Conduct a special personnel investigation where the specific position or candidate requires it.

[5] Every police agency should establish written training requirements for each specialty. These requirements may include:

  1. Formal pre-assignment training; and
  2. Formal on-the-job training.

[6] Every police agency should require the satisfactory completion of an internally administered internship in any specialist position before regular assignment to that position.

[7] Every police agency should establish a rotation system that requires specialists to be regularly rotated from positions where the potential for officer compromise is high to positions where this potential is low or the criminal “clientele” is different. This rotation system should include:

  1. Identification of all positions – including vice, narcotics, and all types of undercover assignments- where potential for officer compromise is high;
  2. Written policies that specifically limit the duration of assignment to any identified position. Because limitations may differ, these policies and procedures should stipulate those for personnel at the supervisory and administrative level and those for personnel at the level of execution;
  3. Provisions for limited extensions with the specific approval of the chief executive; and
  4. Provisions that ensure the maintenance of a high level of operational competence within the specialty and throughout the agency.


Implementation by individual departments. The inter-governmental law enforcement agency should assist in establishing personnel requirements for specialization positions. Peace Officer Standards and Training should provide specialized training for each specialization.


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