The Vice Operations

The Vice Operations

Every police agency should immediately ensure its capability to conduct effective vice operations against illegal gambling, traffic in liquor, prostitution, pandering, pornography, and obscene conduct. These operations should be capable of reducing the incidence of vice crimes and related criminal activity.

[1] Every chief executive should establish written policies governing vice operations. These policies are consistent with existing laws and regulations:

  1. Should reflect community attitudes toward vice crimes, the severity of the local vice problem, and the effect of the vice problem on other local crime problems.
  2. Should acknowledge that the patrol force is responsible for taking enforcement action against all vice violations they see.

[2] Every police agency employing more than 75 personnel should have a full-time vice investigation capability. Every agency employing fewer than 75 personnel should have a part-time vice investigation capability. Every agency employing fewer than 75 personnel should assign vice operations specialists on a full or part-time basis, depending on the local problem.

[3] Every chief executive should ensure close coordination and continual exchange of information between vice, narcotic and drug, patrol, and intelligence operations, and close liaison with other agencies conducting similar operations.

[4] Every police agency should provide vice operations with special funds, and any other physical support necessary to conduct effective vice operations.

[5] Every chief executive should ensure that every field commander reports in writing every 30 days to the chief executive, or his designee, the form and extent of the current vice problem in his area and the effort of vice operations on that problem. This report should contain:

  1. The number of vice arrests by type of offense and location;
  2. Information received on vice problems; and
  3. Current vice operations are directed against area vice problems.

[6] Every police chief executive should ensure, through written policies and procedures, that every vice complaint received by his agency will be reduced to writing and investigated as thoroughly as possible. Vice complaint policies and procedures should provide that:

  1. All vice complaints are distributed to the chief executive or his designee, and to the vice unit;
  2. Every 10 days a written follow-up report on each vice complaint be made to indicate the progress of the investigation; and
  3. Every vice complaint investigation not completed within 30 days of its receipt be reviewed, and all necessary steps be taken to expedite the investigation.


Small agencies should make cooperative arrangements or contract arrangements with other departments or with the National Narcotic and Liquor Law Enforcement Agency, in the Philippines, the PDEA.

In medium-size departments, all officers should receive specialized training in vice operations; however, specific assignments should be made to a detective or a detective division for follow-up investigations.

In large departments, full-time vice investigation divisions should be maintained.

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