The Transnational Crime (PCTC)


To address this growing threat, the President signed Executive order No. 62 creating the Philippine Center for Transnational Crime (PCTC) to serve as a nerve center, a think tank, and a central database for the monitoring, detecting, and investigating of transnational crimes, as well as formulating of national programs and policies, both tactical and strategic, geared towards the prevention of said crimes, and the recommending of measures for the enactment of legislation that will strengthen responses and provide immediate intervention in the prevention, detection, and apprehension of transnational criminals. (Picture source: &_nc_sid=e3f864&_nc_ohc=qWUVEykLWsIAX9DQumM&_nc_ht=scontent.fmnl25-3.fna&oh=00_AT_kJdtEQTBolxnHeL3cLGcTYE4GhEolyjcyyYs7uo3XNw&oe=625EA1BF)

Recognizing, however, that transnational crimes operate beyond national borders and that the government has to address the inefficiency of domestic law enforcement created by jurisdictional and territorial limitations, there is a pressing need for the institutionalization of a regional framework for law enforcement cooperation. This cooperation can be achieved largely on apolitical or technical issues specified in international and regional agreements and those identified by individual states.

Among these technical issues in global and international cooperation are the following: (Picture source:

  1. Establishment of a central database on transnational crime, which includes a national database on regional and international legislation and jurisprudence, as well as the national laws of other foreign countries which seek to combat transnational crimes in their own areas of jurisdiction.
  2. Cross-training programs, like those offered by the International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA) in Bangkok, Thailand by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, seek to develop and enhance synchronized skills and defensive strategies, intelligence and operational management and approaches in dealing with transnational crimes.
  3. Personnel exchanges are encouraged to ensure compatibility in a wide range of areas ranging from simple police functions to other social dimensions.
  4. Investigation and prosecution of transnational crimes require a high level of cooperation and trust; thus, to ensure their successful prosecution, mechanisms should be established to pave the way for the constitution of joint multinational investigative teams to gather evidence, conduct arrests, searches, and seizures, and look for witnesses in the territory of affected states. Autonomy should be afforded to the joint investigative teams to fully satisfy their objectives, including a certain degree of diplomatic immunity for non-citizen members of the team; and finally
  5. The constitution of multinational centers or task forces against transnational crime would supplement and address the inefficiencies that are inherent in the other technical aspects of cooperation. Of course, as earlier stated, foremost among these task forces is the creation of the ASEAN Center for Combating Transnational Crime (ACTC), whose headquarters will be located in the Philippines, which has volunteered to host the main headquarters, construct its building, and provide all the necessary facilities. Member-states of ASEAN will contribute their share through the donation of operational funds and the assignment of personnel in the Center. It will be the ACTC that will have a regional database on transnational crime within the region and will supervise and control the conduct of multilateral operations against these crimes.

We would like you to click the “TAB” below to be more familiar with PCTC in a very short presentation.

  1. Transnational Crime under the Philippine Concept
  2. The Philippine Center for Transnational Crime (PCTC)
  3. Crime Coverage of the PCTC
  4. Revised Crime Coverage of the PCTC
  5. UN Transnational Offenses NOT Included in the Coverage of PCTC
  6. Offices Consolidated to Compose PCTC
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