The criminals who engage in trafficking range from organized criminal groups to individuals operating on their own or in small groups on an opportunistic basis. The more organized groups are commonly involved in other serious crimes, such as trafficking in drugs, arms, and other illicit commodities, as well as corruption and the bribery of officials.
When organized criminal groups are involved, many more victims are trafficked, often for longer periods, across wider distances, and with more violence. The UNODC and the INTERPOL designed some programs for capacity building in member countries to combat this kind of problem, that when seriously taken can be an avenue of protecting humanity against this crime (Picture Source below: UNODC shows its framework of support to capacitate member countries in the fight against human trafficking.
While most countries have had comprehensive trafficking in person legislation in place for some years, the number of convictions has only recently started to grow. The increased number of convictions broadly follows the increases in the number of detected and reported victims, which shows that the criminal justice response is reflecting the detection trend. However, several areas continue to have very low numbers of convictions for trafficking, and at the same time detect fewer victims.
Limited numbers of detected victims and few convictions do not necessarily mean that traffickers are not active in these countries. Victims trafficked from regions with low detection and conviction rates are found in large numbers in other regions. THE PREVALENCE OF CORRUPTION MIGHT BE HIGH IN THAT COUNTRY OR REGION. What can you say about the Philippines, as long as prosecution and conviction of human trafficking activities are concerned?
Our last slide presentation will show you how crimes of human trafficking are being handled in our country. Read and watch the presentation very well!
You can also download the law on human trafficking below:
DOWNLOAD HERE: Republic Act 9208
DOWNLOAD HERE: Republic Act 10364
Be able to be familiar with the content of that slide presentation, someday, somehow you will be needing it. This time let’s go to the “ENVIRONMENTAL CRIMES ISSUES” by delving into its introduction.
Click PREVIOUS if you want to read the last chapter of this module (THE ACTS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND PUNISHMENT)
Click NEXT to proceed to the next topic (THE ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS: INTRODUCTION)