The right to liberty is also known as the freedom of an individual to exercise their right to ________________.
It refers to those God given rights, acknowledged by everybody to be morally good. They are unwritten but they prevail as norms of the society.
Juan (biologically male) also known as "Juana," claims to be a woman born in a man's body. He fell in love and subsequently married Jane, (biologically female) a lesbian known as "Jano" in their community for her macho personality. During their relationship, Jano heard a rumor or "chismis" that Juana was secretly meeting Ricardo (male), a gardener near their house. Feeling jealous and furious, Jano started repeatedly using a walis tambo to strike Juana in the face whenever Jano had mood swings. Considering the rumor baseless, Juana sought protection under RA 9262, also known as the "Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004," at the Women's Desk of the Police Station. Juana argued that he is protected under the law by being identified as a woman. Is Juana's statement correct?
One characteristic of a Human Right is that it is INHERENT, which means it does not require any further or positive acts to acquire such rights. Among the following options, which ones are NOT considered inherent rights?
Does the use of condoms violate the right to life? Choose the best answer.
It refers to the idea about living a life free from fear:
A community organization is concerned about the lack of access to clean water for residents of a low-income neighborhood. The organization believes that the government has a duty to provide clean water to all citizens and is considering taking legal action to force the government to address the issue.
Based on the statement "The four components of a human right are a subject or a rightholder, a duty-holder, an object and implementation," which of the following statements most accurately identifies the components of the right to clean water in this scenario?
A child in conflict with the law shall enjoy all the rights of a child until ____________ .
What is the criminal liability, if any, of a pregnant woman who tried to commit suicide by poison, but she did not die and the fetus in her womb was expelled instead?
The combination of constitutional rights and statutory rights are sometimes referred to as _________________________.
This means that natural rights and human rights are something you're born with; they don't come from a person or government. They're just a part of being human. This characteristic of human rights is called _____________________________ .
Barangay Tanod belongs to what pillar of Philippine Criminal Justice System as viewed in Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006?
Three individuals, A, B, and C, all 17 years old, planned to rob G. They entered G's room through a window. A instructed G to open her vault, while B held a knife. C acted as a lookout and opened the main door. When G pleaded, the helper woke up. A and B stabbed G, then fled with C. A left with the stolen money. G died later from the injuries inflicted by B. Are A, B, and C exempt from criminal liability? If not, what's the proper charge?
It seeks to obtain reparation for the victim; reconciliation of the offender, the offended and the community; and reassurance to the offender that he/she can be reintegrated into society.
It is the content of any given right and any duty of the holder of the right and the holder of the obligation. This right and this duty are the human values and needs which are found in human rights rules and norms.
How can human rights be relevant to criminology?
It refers to any person deprived of personal liberty as a result of conviction for an offence.
12-year-old Maya lives with her single mother in a low-income neighborhood with a high crime rate. Maya's mother struggles financially and often works long hours, leaving Maya alone at home. Maya has recently begun skipping school and spending time with a group of older teenagers who are known for petty theft and vandalism.
Based on the statement "(d) 'Child at Risk' refers to a child who is vulnerable to and at the risk of committing criminal offenses because of personal, family and social circumstances," which of the following statements is most likely to be true about Maya?
PBBM issues an Executive Order (EO) to set a price ceiling for rice due to rising costs. This decision sparks public sentiment, leading to mass protests by rice sellers in front of Malacanang, with a permit to rally. During the protest, some protesters become violent, attacking the police and buildings.
What is the correct approach in this situation?
A popular gossip website publishes a defamatory article about a recently deceased celebrity, making false claims about their personal life and business dealings. The celebrity's family is deeply offended and outraged by the article, believing it tarnishes their loved one's memory and causes distress to them as well.
Based on the statement "There are legal remedies available for the protection of the dignity and privacy of the deceased, such as ... civil and criminal actions for ... libel, slander, defamation," which of the following statements is most likely to be true?
Imagine a situation where a person is subjected to intense psychological pressure and fear, compelling them to restrict their actions and movements according to the wishes of another individual. In this scenario: Is the person's right to liberty violated?
In a country where cases of violence against women are prevalent, how can human rights education benefit law enforcement officers?
It refers to those rights enacted by Congress.
What crime is committed when a mother kills the three-day old child of her husband with their daughter?
When does jurisprudence hold that the Right to life begins?
It refers to the act of apprehending a person for the alleged commission of an offence or by the action of an authority;
It refers to the act of questioning initiated by law enforcement officers after a person has been taken into custody or otherwise deprived of his freedom of action in any significant way.
A new law is being proposed that would allow for government monitoring of all online communications between parents and children. The government argues that this is necessary to protect children from online predators and harmful content. Proponents of the law believe it strengthens the family by preventing parents from being misled by outside influences. Opponents argue that the law is an invasion of privacy and weakens the family by undermining trust and open communication between parents and children.
Based on the statement "The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution," which of the following statements is most likely to be true?
It refers to those rights which enable us to participate in affairs of the government – either directly or indirectly.
Men and women are equal and (are) born free. This refers to which philosophy?
It refers to those entity, normally a State that is obliged to respect, to ensure and to protect the subject’s rights or demands. In human rights, States are considered a duty-holders rather than subjects though in international law the role of States as subjects is recognized as incontestable.
The Congress is considering enacting legislation (will enact or create a law) that would allow for the indefinite detention of individuals suspected of terrorism without trial. Proponents of the legislation argue that it is necessary to protect national security and prevent terrorist attacks. Critics argue that the legislation is a violation of human rights and would lead to the abuse of innocent people.
Based on the statement "Most rights, however, are not absolute in character. States can limit the exercise of these rights for valid reasons, including the need to counter terrorism, as long as they respect a number of conditions," which of the following statements is most likely to be true?
It is the concept that everyone is treated exactly the same way, regardless of their individual needs or circumstances.
What is the concept of proportionality commonly used for in determining the limitations on human rights?
The mother of right—that is, of natural law—is human nature. This refers to which philosophy?
It is the security given for the release of a person in custody of the law, furnished by him or a bondsman, to guarantee his appearance before any court as required under the conditions hereinafter specified.
It is the concept that involves providing people with the means of having a fair and equal opportunity.
Which of the following statements accurately reflects the concept of human rights?
One of the four components of Human Rights is the Subject Holder, who, is an individual (natural person), a group of individuals or a non-governmental organization, entitled to rights under the law and can take legal action to protect or to promote those rights. The following are Subject Holder, EXCEPT:
Police officers arrest a suspect without a warrant on a MERE SUSPICION of theft. The suspect argues that the arrest is illegal because they were not presented with a warrant. Based on the statement "No person may be taken into custody except only by virtue of a warrant of arrest issued by a competent court," which of the following statements is most likely to be true?