Mariya, a 15 year old female, due to poverty and in accordance with her mother's instruction named Marisse, showed her breasts through the internet specifically on Snapchat for P1500.00, and then her vagina for P3,000.00 to his customer, Alberto. MARISSE is liable for the offense, felony or crime of ____________.
It refers to the theory or right when companies, organizations, or governments transition to paperless transactions. To what theory or right does this refer?
It refers to the instruction, communication with, storing data in, retrieving data from, or otherwise making use of any resources of a computer system or communication network.
Under the Electronic Evidence Rule, ______________ refers to the electronic document printed on paper.
What term refers to attacks that can cause significant disruption to business operations and result in significant financial losses by sending or inputting malware that encrypts an organization’s data and demands payment for the decryption key?
It refers to an act that violates the law, which is perpetrated using information and communication technology (ICT) to either target networks, systems, data, websites and technology or facilitate a crime.
There are only two parties involved in cyber prostitution, a customer and an adult prostitute, in which, the adult prostitute is the only person liable for cybersex under R.A. 10175.
Illegal Access refers to the access to the whole or any part of a computer system without right. This provision makes it a criminal offense to gain unauthorized access to a computer system, regardless of whether the act results in any harm or damage.
The offense of illegal interception can also apply to the transmission of computer data, even if it does not reach its destination.
What term refers to targeted attacks that are carried out over a long period of time by skilled attackers who seek to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or systems?
The data sent by the sender must reach the receiver accurately, completely, and reliably, without any alterations. If alterations occur, which principle of Cryptography is violated?
It refers to the process of entering data and programs into the computer system.
Choose which of the following has not committed an offense in violation of Blue laws.
It ensures that sensitive information is kept private and only accessed by authorized individuals or entities. This protects against unauthorized disclosure of sensitive data, which can result in financial loss, reputational damage, or legal liability.
When accessing a secure online platform, for example Facebook, users expect their personal information to remain unchanged and intact throughout the registration process. If any unauthorized modifications occur, which principle of Cryptography is compromised?
What is a type of malware that encrypts an organization’s data and demands payment for the decryption key?
Malicious attacks, such as Distributed Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, involve overwhelming a server with unnecessary requests, disrupting service for legitimate users. As a result, users may be unable to access a site due to the voluminous traffic. Which principle of cryptography is violated?
If inciting to rebellion or inciting to sedition is committed by using information or communication technology such as Facebook or Twitter, the penalty for this crime shall be increased by one degree.
These threats come from within an organization, such as employees or contractors who misuse their access to sensitive information or systems, either intentionally or unintentionally.
Traffic data refer only to the communication’s origin, destination, route, time, date, size, duration, or type of underlying service, but not content, nor identities.
A hacker, A, a former IT engineer and disgruntled government employee, created a virus that has a capability of destroying system and rendering Computers and similar devices inoperable. A introduced the virus into one of the DICT offices. A may be liable for an offense of _________________.
Which computer organization is referred to when major operations are performed using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, logic, and comparison?
To be safe, information must be protected against illegal access (confidentiality), protected from unlawful change (integrity), and accessible only to authorized parties when needed (availability). This refers to what principle?
A crime penalized under Revised Penal Code or Special Penal Law is committed using information and communications technology (ICT), the perpetrator can be charged under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012. The penalty for the crime will be one degree lower than that provided for by the Revised Penal Code or special laws, as the case may be.
Competent Authority under Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 refers to the Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Group.
Unauthorized use of a discovered password, or remote access using exploit software may be punishable under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 with an offense of _______________________ .
NGCP stands for National Grid Corporation of the Philippines. It is a privately owned corporation in charge of operating, maintaining, and developing the country’s power grid. The power grid is an interconnected system that transmits gigawatts of power at thousands of volts from where it is made to where it is needed. The computer, system or computer system used to manage this electricity or power are called _________________________ in Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012.
This suggests that minor environmental infractions, such as littering or illegal dumping, can lead to more serious environmental crimes. By cracking down on minor infractions, law enforcement can deter more serious crimes and reduce the overall impact on the environment.
Natural resources, as embodied in our own Constitution, gives the State the right to the utilization and benefits over the resources within its territory. To what right or theory does this refer?
If a person commits a cybercrime, the criminal case against them may be filed in the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of the province or city where the cybercrime was committed, where any part of the computer system used is located, or where the damage caused to the victim happened. This refer to?
The crime committed is cyber libel if it violates the provision of libel under the Revised Penal Code (RPC) with the use of information and communications technology (ICT), in which the latter is a qualifying circumstance that may mitigate the crime.
It refers to the accuracy, trustworthiness, and original form of data, and it must be regularly updated by authorized individuals using permitted procedures.
It ensures that the information created and stored by an organization is accessible to authorized parties.
After Person A and Person B successfully gain unauthorized access to the company's computer system and steal confidential information, Person C, who is aware of the crime but did not participate in its commission, provides assistance by helping Person B to profit from the stolen data. Person C sets up a black market platform to sell the stolen information for financial gain. To what crime/offense/felony does C commits?
Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, and Cortana are all examples of smart speakers and fall under which category of ICT?
A user remains connected to a computer system beyond their authorized time, such as when they book server capacities for a certain period but continue to use them after the period has expired. Are any offenses committed?
In electronically stored information under Electronic Evidence, what do the creation date, author, file type, size, and name refer to?
Choose which of the following has committed an offense in violation of Green laws.
It states that when HUMAN ACTIVITIES may lead to threats of serious and irreversible damage to the environment that is scientifically plausible but uncertain, actions shall be taken to avoid or diminish that threat.
Without the intention of illegally accessing the confidential information of the local government's website, Mr. W was able to access such documents not available to the public by using Google search indexing. Which principle of cryptography is compromised?
It shall be unlawful for any person, unless authorized by all parties to any private communication or spoken word, to tap any wire or cable, or to secretly overhear, intercept, or record such communication or spoken word by using any device or arrangement, such as a dictaphone, dictagraph, walkie-talkie, or tape recorder. This refers to _________.
Data transmission could be considered to end when the computer system of destination is reached.
These attacks involve manipulating individuals into divulging sensitive information or taking actions that are detrimental to security, often using psychological tactics.
Data can be considered ‘in transmission’ when they have not reached the final destination – either the system or the intended recipient.
It refers to the theory or idea that students have the responsibility to plant trees as part of their duty as the present generation for the benefit of future generations.
Access to classified information may be a subset of cyber-espionage to computer data in general.
It refers to a crime that 'knows no physical or geographic boundaries' and can be conducted with less effort, greater ease, and at greater speed.
Mariya, a 15 year old female, due to poverty and in accordance with her mother's instruction named Marisse, showed her breasts through the internet specifically on Snapchat for P1500.00, and then her vagina for P3,000.00 to his customer, Alberto. MARIYA is liable for the offense, felony or crime of ____________.
The following are Content-related Offenses, except:
Netizens who merely reacted to the defamatory or child pornographic message on Facebook by clicking the button for 'Like,' 'Comment,' or 'Share,' or on a Twitter account by retweeting it, are liable for aiding or abetting cybercrime.
Under Section 3 of R.A. No. 8550 (Fisheries Code), the provision of this Code shall be enforced in the Philippine Waters including the 200 miles exclusive economic zone. Hence, illegal fishing within the zone is not within the jurisdiction of the Philippines.
What term refers to the introduction of viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other malicious software for the purpose of hacking or destroying ICT systems?
The feature of information security where sensitive data or information can be accessed only by an authorized person and should be reserved away from all those who are not authorized to access it.
It refers to telephone conversations, text messages, chatroom sessions, streaming audio, streaming video, and other electronic forms of communication the evidence of which is not recorded or retained.
The sovereign right over natural resources includes the right of the states to be free from external interference. Basically, countries other than the Philippines, like Italy, Japan or Germany may use our natural resources.
A hacker, A, a former IT engineer and disgruntled government employee, created a virus that destroys only specific files and engineered it to target files created by Microsoft Word documents. A introduced the virus into one of the DICT offices. A may be liable for an offense of _________________.
It refers to the right to be free from unwarranted exploitation of one’s person or from intrusion into one’s private activities in such a way as to cause humiliation to a person’s ordinary sensibilities.
Here, it aims to stop environmental damage even before it occurs or when it is critical and potential damage may already be irreversible. To what right or theory does this refer?
Due to the qualifying circumstance of the use of information and communications technology (ICT), the offense of libel under Article 355 of the Code has an effect for the following, except:
Internet connection is part of the computer system, accessing of which without right is punishable for an offense/felony or a crime of ______________?
What is defined as any type of software designed to cause harm to a computer system or network?
In electronically stored information under Electronic Evidence, any content typed, edited, and inputted inside a Word document refers to what?
It ensures that data is accurate, complete, and unaltered. Which principle of cryptography is this?
According to Sec. 21 of RA 10175, the ____________ has the power to handle cases involving any violation of the Cybercrime Prevention Act, including those committed by Filipino citizens regardless of where the violation occurred.
Misuse of Devices is an offense ________________.
If someone violates the Cybercrime Prevention Act and they are in the Philippines, or if their actions cause harm to someone in the Philippines, they can be tried in court specifically the Regional Trial Court here in the Philippines.
A was furious when he was rejected by B. In anger, A registered his Globe Sim with GOUNLI20, then spammed 100 times and sent gibberish SMS messages to annoy B. Could A be held liable under the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012? If Yes, to what crime or offense?
What category of ICT do online or web security cameras fall under?
It refers to the discrepancies in internet access across the globe.
It decides when to start receiving data, when to stop it, where to store data, etc. It takes care of step-by-step processing of all operations inside the computer.